Tuesday, May 4, 2010

OH: Legal Society Files Complaint for Prone Restraint of Child with Autism; Staff Allegedly "Trained" in CPI

From Ohio Legal Rights Services:

LRS files complaint in case involving restraint of student with autism

May 3, 2010

Ohio Legal Rights Service (LRS) filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court, Northern District of Ohio, Western Division seeking relief for an 11-year-old child with autism and developmental disabilities who was allegedly abused by his special education teacher and aide. The alleged abuse occurred in a classroom during a prone restraint.

LRS states in the complaint that all medical opinions conclude that the student was abused during the prone restraint. The extreme force and pressure applied during the restraint episode by the teacher and her aide caused intradermal hemorrhaging indicating the student's blood flow and oxygen were obstructed. The complaint alleges that the manner in which the teacher and the aide restrained the student was reckless and completely outside of any professionally acceptable method and was conducted in conscious disregard for the student's rights and safety.

The complaint claims the Defendants violated the student's rights under the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution by failing to protect the student's due process right to personal security and to be free from bodily harm at the hands of state actors, such as teachers, aides and administrators. The named Defendants include the teacher, classroom aide, school district, educational service center and all agencies, governing boards and personnel responsible for the implementation and supervision of the special education program.

A jury trial was requested by the Plaintiff. Read the complaint (PDF file)

For more information about restraint and seclusion in schools and LRS' work in this area, see the Restraint and Seclusion section.

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