Wednesday, July 28, 2010

India: Partha De "Determined to Stop the Menace of Corporal Punishment at Any Cost" with New Complaint System

July 28, 2010

Corporal Punishment

(The Telegraph) Students and parents can soon complain about corporal punishment directly to the state government through SMS and email under a separate set of rules meant to ensure that teachers spare the rod.

“We are determined to stop the menace of corporal punishment at any cost. No teacher will be allowed to inflict physical and mental torture on students,” declared school education minister Partha De following a series of meetings through the day to finalise the draft of the proposed rules.

The rules, including “direct government intervention” based on complaints filed by guardians and students with the authorities, will be binding on all schools affiliated to the state board.

“There can be no excuse for beating up a student. When a teacher is appointed, he/she needs to make a declaration not to impose any kind of physical or mental torture on students. The new set of rules aims to ensure that under no circumstance can a teacher break that oath,” said De.

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