Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Action Alert: Dr. Phil Show on Abuse in Schools

Dr. Phil is seeking participants for a show he will be doing on abuse in the classroom. If you are willing to be on the show and/or have video footage of the abuse, click here: http://www.drphil.com/plugger/respond/?plugID=12891

Word of Caution:

If you've seen any of his shows, you know they are full of controversy. Since he is of the school of thought that endorses boot camps for behavior challenges, we are concerned that instead of bringing public awareness to abuse, which is sorely needed, he will instead ridicule or embarrass the parent and/or child who was abused in school and make it look like the child either instigated the abuse or "deserved the punishment they got." This is not the attitude we wish to foster with the public at large, which already views our experiences with disbelief. As such, we are not recommending anyone participate in the show, nor are we offering to participate in such a show. (Now if it would be Oprah....)

However, if you are asked to appear on the show, we would love to hear about your experience, and will hope that you are met with a supportive environment.

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